This theme was by far the one I was most looking forward to... :)
As soon as we saw 'FOOLS', checked the calendar and saw that this theme fell on the same weekend as THE most debaucherous weekend in Hong Kong, we knew it was going to be a goodie.
Week 13's theme is fools, and oh my, what an array and assortment to choose from at the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens. This is considered the premier tournament on the IRB Sevens World Series in rugby sevens. This is traditionally one of, if not, the biggest event on the Hong Kong sporting calendar.
For spectators though, particular emphasis is placed on the South Stand, this is the event where hoards of rugby fans dress up and dance for most of the day/night/weekend. Activities that particularly ensue on such a weekend include the throwing of (mostly) empty beer jugs, Mexican waves and streakers running across the pitch - alas, we weren't privy the the last activity...Forget about watching rugby, if you are in this stand, you're there for the party!
And this is where we found our fools... the South Stand, the stand that has officially been made accessible to over 18's only , due to its hyper and somewhat provocative atmosphere... but more on that in a later post.
In order to try and keep this theme as viewer friendly as possible, we have selected these images below for this post. ;)
Week 13 : Fools
Due to the nature of this event, we didn't want to risk taking the big 'professional' camera, so these were shot on the baby one, the quality is a little bit less, but that definitely does not detract from the subjects in the image.
Thanks to all involved on this day for some wonderful and perhaps not so wonderful memories! ;)
Thoughts and comments welcome :)